NY DWI Law | VTL 1197 Special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated

§ 1197. Special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated

“The program”, as used in this section, shall mean the special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated, a program established pursuant to this section, and approved by the commissioner of motor vehicles.
1. Program establishment.
(a) Where a county establishes a special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated, pursuant to this section, it shall receive fines and forfeitures collected by any court, judge, magistrate or other officer within that county, including, where appropriate, a hearing officer acting on behalf of the commissioner,: (1) imposed for violations of subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision two or subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section five hundred eleven of this chapter; (2) imposed in accordance with the provisions of section eleven hundred ninety-three and civil penalties imposed pursuant to subdivision two of section eleven hundred ninety-four-a of this article, including, where appropriate, a hearing officer acting on behalf of the commissioner, from violations of sections eleven hundred ninety-two, eleven hundred ninety-two-a and findings made under section eleven hundred ninety-four-a of this article; and (3) imposed upon a conviction for: aggravated vehicular assault, pursuant to section 120.04-a of the penal law; vehicular assault in the first degree, pursuant to section 120.04 of the penal law; vehicular assault in the second degree, pursuant to section 120.03 of the penal law; aggravated vehicular homicide, pursuant to section 125.14 of the penal law; vehicular manslaughter in the first degree, pursuant to section 125.13 of the penal law; and vehicular manslaughter in the second degree, pursuant to section 125.12 of the penal law, as provided in section eighteen hundred three of this chapter. Upon receipt of these moneys, the county shall deposit them in a separate account entitled “special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated” and they shall be under the exclusive care, custody and control of the chief fiscal officer of each county participating in the program.

(b) Expenditures from such account shall only be made pursuant to the approval of a county program by the commissioner of motor vehicles. The chief fiscal officer of each participating county shall, on a quarterly basis, forward to the commissioner a written certificate of moneys expended from such account.

2. Program organization.
(a) Where a program is established by a county, it shall be organized by a coordinator for the special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated, who shall be designated by the chief executive officer of the county, if there be one, otherwise the chairman of the governing board of the county, or in the city of New York, a person designated by the mayor thereof. Where a coordinator is designated, the coordinator shall receive such salary and expenses as the board of legislators or other governing body of such county may fix and properly account for such expenses and shall serve at the pleasure of such appointing body or officer.

(b) In counties having a county traffic safety board, the chief executive officer, if there be one, otherwise the chairman of the governing board of the county or the mayor of the city of New York, may designate the chairman of the board or a member thereof as coordinator of the program.

3. Purposes.
(a) The program shall provide a plan for coordination of county, town, city and village efforts to reduce alcohol-related traffic injuries and fatalities.

(b) The program shall, where approved by the county board or other governing body, provide funding for such activities as the board or other body may approve, for the above-described purposes.

4. Duties of the coordinator; reports.
(a) It shall be the duty of the coordinator to:

(1) Render annually or at the request of the county legislature or other governing body of the county, a verified account of all moneys received and expended by the coordinator or under the coordinator's direction and an account of other pertinent matters.

(2) Submit annually or upon request of the chief fiscal officer of each county participating in the program, in such manner as may be required by law, an estimate of the funds required to carry out the purposes of this section.

(3) Make an annual report to the commissioner, which shall be due on or before the first day of April of each year following the implementation of said program, and shall include the following:

a. the progress, problems and other matters related to the administration of said program; and

b. an assessment of the effectiveness of the program within the geographic area of the county participating therein and any and all recommendations for expanding and improving said program.

(b) Any annual report shall also contain the following, in a form prescribed by the commissioner:

(1) Number of arrests for violations of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this article and subdivision two of section five hundred eleven of this chapter;

(2) Number and description of dispositions resulting therefrom;

(3) Number of suspensions issued in the county for alleged refusals to submit to chemical tests;

(4) Total fine moneys returned to the participating county in connection with the program;

(5) Contemplated programs;

(6) Distribution of moneys in connection with program adminstration; [FN1]

(7) Any other information required by the commissioner.

5. Functions of the coordinator. In addition to the duties of the coordinator as provided in subdivision four of this section, the coordinator shall perform the following functions:

(a) Formulate a special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated and coordinate efforts of interested parties and agencies engaged in alcohol traffic safety, law enforcement, adjudication, rehabilitation and preventive education.

(b) Receive proposals from county, town, city or village agencies or non-governmental groups for activities related to alcohol traffic safety and to submit them to the county board of legislators or other such governing body, together with a recommendation for funding of the activity if deemed appropriate.

(c) Cooperate with and assist local officials within the county in the formulation and execution of alcohol traffic safety programs including enforcement, adjudication, rehabilitation and education.

(d) Study alcohol traffic safety problems with the county and recommend to the appropriate legislative bodies, departments or commissions, such changes in rules, orders, regulations and existing law as the coordinator may deem advisable.

(e) Promote alcohol and drug-related traffic safety education for drivers.

(f) Obtain and assemble data on alcohol-related accident arrests, convictions and accidents and to analyze, study, and consolidate such data for educational, research and informational purposes.

6. County purpose and charge. The provisions of this section and expenditures made hereunder shall be deemed a county purpose and charge.

7. Program approval. The program, including a proposed operational budget, shall be submitted by each county coordinator to the commissioner for approval. The commissioner shall consider the following before approving said program:

(a) The interrelationship of such program with existing drunk driving related programs in areas including, but not limited to, law enforcement, prosecution, adjudication and education.

(b) Avoidance of duplication of existing programs funded or operated by either the state or any municipality including, but not limited to, the alcohol and drug rehabilitation program, established under section eleven hundred ninety-six of this article.

(c) All other factors which the commissioner shall deem necessary.

8. Duties of the commissioner.
(a) The commissioner shall compile the reports submitted by the county coordinators and shall issue a comprehensive report on such programs to the governor and to the legislature.

(b) The commissioner shall monitor all programs to ensure satisfactory implementation in conjunction with the established program application goals.

9. Program cessation. When a participating county wishes to cease its program, the coordinator shall notify the commissioner in writing of the date of termination and all money remaining in the fund established by that county pursuant to subdivision one of this section on such date shall be transferred to the general fund of the state treasury. All fines and forfeitures collected pursuant to the provisions of this section on and after the termination date shall be disposed of in accordance with subdivision one of section eighteen hundred three of this chapter.

10. Program audit. The comptroller is authorized to conduct audits of any program established pursuant to this section for the purposes of determining compliance with the provisions of this section and with generally accepted accounting principles.

Current through May 20, 2012

For reference only not intended to be relied upon in legal proceedings.  See New York State Legislature for authoritative version.